Certified LeSS Basics

Certified LeSS Basics

The definitive introduction to LeSS

Certified LeSS Basics
Insights addressing the challenges of agility at scale

Our Certified LeSS Basics course is a short but insight-packed introduction to the LeSS organisational system. This includes the highly regarded LeSS and LeSS Huge (de-)scaling frameworks.

This course includes examples and first-hand stories from LeSS adoptions in Europe and Australia.

Can't Make The Date?

Scaling framing confusion

Curious about scaling options?

This course is for anyone interested in understanding the strategies to counter the biggest challenges of Agile at scale. These include alignment, dependencies and co-ordination, knowledge and skill limitations, component quality, line management, agility and overall value management.

It is also about how LeSS is different from other approaches to scaling such as SAFe, the “Spotify Model”, Scrum@Scale, Nexus etc. Being informed about this allows you to provide advice about the choice of scaling approach at work or to decide whether to take a 3 day Certified LeSS Practitioner course yourself.

Don’t be fooled by the word “Large” in the “Large Scale Scrum”. LeSS can be used with 2 small teams and upwards working on a single product offering. LeSS is not only for tech. product companies. The truth is that many banks and insurance companies use LeSS.


What you will learn

By the end of this course you will be able to describe with confidence how LeSS deals with some of the most common issues when scaling Agile development. This includes how to:

  • structure your teams to maximise ability to work on the highest customer value at scale,
  • eliminate scope and date agreements i.e. The Contract Game,
  • eliminate painful dependencies rather than just manage them,
  • improve agility well beyond the rigidity of quarterly (PI) planning cycles,
  • communicate and coordinate between teams whilst minimising centralised meetings and without coordination roles, and
  • achieve agility by simplifying your organisation rather than relabelling the current organisation with agile-sounding terms.
Certified LeSS Basics

What you will earn

Through participation throughout this course you can earn Certified LeSS Basics accreditation with The LeSS Company.

About your trainer

As an Agile Coach and consultant, Rowan Bunning CST has been guiding large-scale Scrum adoptions in Europe and Australia since early 2008. This includes LeSS adoptions with companies in financial professional services and video games development. Rowan is a Certified LeSS Practitioner (CLP) and a LeSS Friendly Scrum Trainer (LFST) having studied LeSS with both of its creators: Criag Larman and Bas Vodde.

Rowan is one of the most experienced Certified Scrum Trainers in the Australian region having delivered over 500 courses with accreditation by Scrum Alliance.

Rowan Bunning CST
Rowan Bunning CST

What Past Course Participants are Saying

LeSS Huge framework

Course Overview

Why LeSS?

  1. Why LeSS?
  2. LeSS Complete Picture
  3. LeSS Framework in Depth
  4. Story of a LeSS Sprint
  5. LeSS Principles
  6. Core LeSS Game
  7. Team Structures
  8. LeSS Huge
  9. Technical Excellence at Scale
  10. Research Informing LeSS
  11. Adoption Recommendations
  12. Q&A

Further Information

If you have any questions, please see the Frequently Asked Questions, Call us on 1300 1 SCRUM, or Send us a message

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