Post A-CSM Recommended Resources

Many of the following are references that our A-CSM material is based on. Whilst participants are not expected to be familiar with these prior to the course, these are our most highly recommended resources for their respective topics for those interested in going deeper after the training.


Top book recommendation (the main reference for our A-CSM and CSP-SM material on facilitation):

Kaner, Sam. et al. Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making . 3rd ed. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass, 2015. Print.

Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making

Sub-topic: remote facilitation

Janene-Nelson, K., & Sutherland, L. (2018). Work together anywhere: A handbook on working remotely.


Team Development

Top book recommendation based on the Drexler/Sibbet model:

Sibbet, David. Visual Leaders New Tools for Visioning, Management, & Organization Change . Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013. Print.



Top book recommendation:

Larman, Craig, and Bas Vodde. Large-Scale Scrum:  More with LeSS. 1st edition. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2016. Print.

Large-Scale Scrum

Start by reading chapter 2 free from:


Service to the Product Owner

Sub-topic: Impact Mapping

First thing to read and source of video presentations:

Top book recommendation:

Adzic, G., 2012. Impact Mapping. Woking: Provoking Thoughts Limited.

Impact Mapping

Sub-topic: Hypothesis Testing

Bland, David J. et al. Testing Business Ideas . 1st edition. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2020. Print.

Sub-topic: Specification By Example

Adzic, Gojko. Specification by Example : How Successful Teams Deliver the Right Software. 1st edition. Place of publication not identified: Manning, 2011. Print.

Sub-topic: BDD

Book on BDD including Gherkin and automation – written by a former colleague of mine:

Smart, John Ferguson. BDD in Action: Behavior-Driven Development for the Whole Software Lifecycle. 1st edition. Place of publication not identified: Manning Publications Company, 2014. Print.


Organisational Change

Cohn, Mike. Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2009. Print.

Little, J. (2014). Lean change managment: Innovative practices for managing organizational change. Happy Melly Express.

Manns, Mary Lynn, and Linda. Rising. Fearless Change : Patterns for Introducing New Ideas . Boston ;: Addison-Wesley, 2006. Print.

Manns, Rising. More Fearless Change: Strategies for Making Your Ideas Happen. 1st ed. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2015. Print.


Navigating Conflict

Top book recommendations:

Grenny, Joseph, and Al & Patterson Switzler. Crucial Conversations : Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High . Second edition. New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Education, 2012. Print.


What would you add to this list?