Virtual LeSS Basics Course Preparation

Virtual LeSS Basics Preparation

Completing the following will help you to make a running start and maximise your learning.

Please put aside at least 55 minutes to complete all three of the following steps.


Step A: Complete the Pre-course Board on Miro

This includes familiarising yourself with using the online whiteboard tool Miro that we will be using extensively throughout the course. An essential part of this is creating a profile for yourself on the Miro board that will be used at the start of the course.

Please complete this step at least 24 hours prior to course commencement. Failure to do so is likely to hold up all participants at the start of the first session.

For the link to this Pre-course Miro board, please see your course invitation email.

Note that this is unnecessary if you already completed a pre-course board for a course with Scrum WithStyle with the same participants scheduled immediately prior to this one.

Step B: Familiarisation with introductory LeSS material

Please read / watch the following three items carefully. Making notes as you go will aid retention.

1. Introduction to LeSS | Link:

This article provide a broad overview of LeSS including comparison with single team Scrum. Approx. reading time: 10 mins.

2. Why LeSS? | Link:

This short page frames the motivation for LeSS. Approx. reading time: 6.5 mins.

3. Introduction to LeSS (8:14) | Link:

This video provides a brief outline of the events and the changes that LeSS adoption typically involves.

4. Feature Team Primer – Craig Larman and Bas Vodde | Link:

Feature Teams are a core structural concept in LeSS. Approx. reading time: 15.5 mins.

Step C: Virtual Classroom Technology Preparation.

Please also work through our Virtual Classroom Preparation steps to minimise your chance of a technical issue impeding your access to this learning opportunity.

Thank you

That’s it. Thanks very much for investing in being well prepared and maximising the value that we can attain from our time together.

You will receive a calendar invite including video call details. We look forward to seeing you online ready to go.